Draw Near to God by Jeff Beman

James 4:8 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."

How is your relationship with Jesus Christ? In the past, I have been asked this question by pastors, friends, and some strangers, too.

 How does one respond? What is my relationship with Christ lately? Sometimes the answer can be on auto-pilot. “Oh, it’s just fine!” But is it? Is my answer hiding the busyness in my life that keeps postponing Jesus to another day?
The “bread and butter” of being a disciple of Christ is prayer, reading the Bible intently, and demonstrating God’s love. I sometimes find life seems to interfere with putting Jesus first.

But perhaps we can take heart that maybe we are a little better today than we were yesterday. Maybe a little closer to getting it right, for as we become closer to God, scripture tells us He will be closer to us.

Father, when we falter, when we stumble in our discipleship and relationship with Jesus, hold us up and help us grow closer to you. Amen    





