Who Do You Influence?

When Pastor Wes announced that that God was calling them to move on from Lakeside Church, I heard people talking about how much Wes had influenced them in different areas of their life and their walk with Jesus. It made me ask myself the question, how am I influencing people with their walk with Jesus in my sphere of influence?

When we look through the New Testament we see that Jesus was very relational. I believe relationships are the starting point for making disciples. In Mark 2:15-17 Jesus sat and had a meal with tax collectors and sinners, and in Luke 7:36, Jesus went into the home of a Pharisee and shared a meal with him.
In these examples Jesus showed us relationships can start with sharing a meal with someone, even if it is someone we do not agree with. Jesus emphasized individuals over tasks. Jesus wants us to care for hurting and troubled people (John 21:15 - 17). Rather than seeing people as projects to improve, He wants us to love the way He loved and serve the way He served, personally and unconditionally. What does this look like for you? Can we at Lakeside starting today move out of our comfort zones and start building relationships and model Jesus’ examples of making disciples?




