What Would Jesus Do?

"…saying, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:42

The phrase, “What Would Jesus Do” is often abbreviated “WWJD”, and became particularly popular in the United States in the early 1900s, following the 1896 novel, “In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?” by Charles Sheldon. In the latter 1900s teens, and adults were wearing WWJD bracelets all over America and some other countries. Of course, the point of all this was to help people consider how they should try to live in different situations as a Christian, to be like Christ.

Imagine this: Imagine Lakeside Church as having no leadership, no pastor, no staff etc. and as a temporary fix Jesus himself steps in and runs His church, His way! Jesus is in indirect charge of Lakeside for 3 or 4 months or more. And then, Jesus steps back and turns Lakeside back over to us.

What would Jesus have changed? Would Jesus do fellowship the same way that we do it? Would Jesus lead prayer the same way that we do it? How would Jesus run the children’s program? How about the budget, the sermon planning, congregational care, worship, and everything else? What would Jesus do with Lakeside Church…...?

 Are we trying to “be the church” the way Jesus wants us to? Or are we doing church “our way”? I’m not sure anyone can know specifically what Jesus would do in any specific situation, but the Bible tells us in general!

Jesus would pray. He would seek the Father’s will. Jesus’ life was saturated in prayer. He would know what the scriptures say. ...Obedience. When the crowds saw the miracles, they wanted to make Jesus king, but instead he refused, keeping his eye on the cross (John 6:14-15). ...Compassion. ...Mercy. ...Righteousness. ...Forgiveness. ...and Love. … Always Love.

Father in heaven, make us aware when we do things not in keeping with your plan. Help us to do what Jesus would do, what you would have us do. Not our will, but yours be done! AMEN.




