Newsletter Devotional: A Lifesaving Reminder by Jonah Wright

This week’s devotional is about a simple truth. Hopefully you’ve heard this more times than you can count. Hopefully you’ve ordered your life around this truth, and hold unto it more dearly than anything. It’s a cornerstone of the Christian faith.

But in the distractions of everyday life, in the chaos of what’s going on in the world, in the joys and sorrows and mundanity of our existence, this important truth can be easy to forget. So this devotional is here to remind us:

Jesus Christ is alive.

Our God, our savior, our bridegroom is alive. The most gruesome, painful death in human history could not hold him down, and he walked out of the grave. He is just as real and present today as he was in ancient history. Jesus Christ is alive.

Let’s never stop being amazed by this. Let’s never stop letting this truth permeate our decisions and our emotions and our relationships. Let’s remind ourselves of the beauty of Christ’s life everyday. Because if we really cling to this truth, our life will be changed.

We aren’t promised life will be easy, or that we will never experience pain and grief. But we are promised that Jesus is alive. Jesus is alive and he will never die. The enemy tried and failed to keep him down. And because Jesus has invited us to share in his life, there is a resurrection coming for us, too.

Our whole world will share in the resurrection of Christ. Jesus will unite heaven and earth and all we will know is his life, forever. Death, sadness, pain, chaos will all be distant memories. Jesus is doing resurrection work now - in us and through us. And he will come someday soon to complete his work.

In John 11:25-26, Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

It is my prayer that this simple truth creates in us hope, peace, joy, compassion, justice, mercy, and love.

Jesus Christ is alive! Praise the Lord! Jesus Christ is alive!




