Instrument of God's Grace by Mike Loosbrock
Luke 19:5-7, When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.”
I have a question for you today. Are you a consumer or an instrument of God's Grace? Do you come to church on Sunday to hear God’s word but have no commitment to the life of the church? I am glad that you have recognized God’s grace in your life, but God is not satisfied with us being a witness to His work of grace. He has called us to be an instrument of that grace to others.
So what does an instrument of God’s grace look like for you and I at Lakeside Church? We have it laid out for us in the New Testament as we look at the life of Jesus. We look and see Jesus’s relationships with everyone He comes in contact with. Are you willing to commit to walking with hurting people? Yes people's lives are messy but Jesus never let that stop Him from engaging people like Zacchaeus. We don’t need all the right answers we just need to be the instrument of God’s grace. I am inviting you to come join me and others at Lakeside today as we go forward with modeling God's grace and allowing Him to do His transforming work in people’s lives.
I have a question for you today. Are you a consumer or an instrument of God's Grace? Do you come to church on Sunday to hear God’s word but have no commitment to the life of the church? I am glad that you have recognized God’s grace in your life, but God is not satisfied with us being a witness to His work of grace. He has called us to be an instrument of that grace to others.
So what does an instrument of God’s grace look like for you and I at Lakeside Church? We have it laid out for us in the New Testament as we look at the life of Jesus. We look and see Jesus’s relationships with everyone He comes in contact with. Are you willing to commit to walking with hurting people? Yes people's lives are messy but Jesus never let that stop Him from engaging people like Zacchaeus. We don’t need all the right answers we just need to be the instrument of God’s grace. I am inviting you to come join me and others at Lakeside today as we go forward with modeling God's grace and allowing Him to do His transforming work in people’s lives.