A Praying Woman
Acts 16:11-15
Lydia was a businesswoman selling the finest purple cloth in the city of Philippi in the ancient world. As a businesswoman Lydia was most likely influential and probably wealthy. Purple cloth was valuable and expensive and often worn as a sign of nobility and royalty.
Lydia was also a praying woman, a worshiper of God, meeting with women outside the city on the sabbath day. We don't know what she believed at the time but she was about to have an encounter with the Lord Jesus through her meeting with Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
Paul was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to Philippi leading to this encounter with Lydia and “the Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” The kingdom comes to Lydia, and she chose to follow Jesus along with her family who were baptized after this meeting. Lydia then invites Paul, Silas, and Timothy into her home showing them hospitality out of gratitude for what had happened.
I’m struck by this encounter! Paul’s obedience to God’s call opened the way for ministry in this region. Paul’s first contact was with women in a male dominant society. The simple action of taking the time to meet and talk to these women brought transformation in their lives and opened doors to the gospel.
What does this mean for us? As we pray, we open ourselves to God’s power and transformation. No matter what walk of life we are in, Jesus meets us when we take time to pray just as he met Lydia and the women. Out of the obedience of Paul, Lydia followed Jesus in obedience along with her family.
We too can see God move through our simple acts of obedience in our work, at the store, making dinner, in our churches and communities. As we go about our ordinary days we can encounter the power of Jesus in our lives as we pray and meet people. Offering prayer for others can feel scary but this simple act can be life changing!
Pray with me: Come Lord Jesus and meet us today as we pray. Help us in our struggles and time of need. Open our eyes to see the needs of others and offer to pray with and for them. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth, in our lives, as it is in heaven. Amen.
Lydia was a businesswoman selling the finest purple cloth in the city of Philippi in the ancient world. As a businesswoman Lydia was most likely influential and probably wealthy. Purple cloth was valuable and expensive and often worn as a sign of nobility and royalty.
Lydia was also a praying woman, a worshiper of God, meeting with women outside the city on the sabbath day. We don't know what she believed at the time but she was about to have an encounter with the Lord Jesus through her meeting with Paul, Silas, and Timothy.
Paul was moved by the Holy Spirit to go to Philippi leading to this encounter with Lydia and “the Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message.” The kingdom comes to Lydia, and she chose to follow Jesus along with her family who were baptized after this meeting. Lydia then invites Paul, Silas, and Timothy into her home showing them hospitality out of gratitude for what had happened.
I’m struck by this encounter! Paul’s obedience to God’s call opened the way for ministry in this region. Paul’s first contact was with women in a male dominant society. The simple action of taking the time to meet and talk to these women brought transformation in their lives and opened doors to the gospel.
What does this mean for us? As we pray, we open ourselves to God’s power and transformation. No matter what walk of life we are in, Jesus meets us when we take time to pray just as he met Lydia and the women. Out of the obedience of Paul, Lydia followed Jesus in obedience along with her family.
We too can see God move through our simple acts of obedience in our work, at the store, making dinner, in our churches and communities. As we go about our ordinary days we can encounter the power of Jesus in our lives as we pray and meet people. Offering prayer for others can feel scary but this simple act can be life changing!
Pray with me: Come Lord Jesus and meet us today as we pray. Help us in our struggles and time of need. Open our eyes to see the needs of others and offer to pray with and for them. May your kingdom come and your will be done on earth, in our lives, as it is in heaven. Amen.