Showing Up by Daniel "Bart" Bartosh
"So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it." 1 Corinthians 12: 25-26
Community and faith were two words that I never thought had much to do with each other. To me, a community was just a group of people that lived in the same neck of the woods, and faith was your personal relationship with God that was kept private. However, what I have come to realize in the last decade is that through those people that live in my neck of the woods, my faith has taken a completely different trajectory and my relationship with God has increased drastically.
These folks were always there for me whether I wanted them to be or not. They’d help me with house projects, go hunting together, or just chat it up in the driveway for an hour. They were vulnerable enough to share with me what God had been doing in their lives, and they were genuinely interested in what He was doing in mine. In other words, they just simply showed up. They showed up to celebrate with me when times were great, they showed up to grieve with me when times were rough, and everything in between. Week in and week out, they were there.
This is one of the best examples of Christ-like behavior that has been demonstrated to me, and the best part about it is how simple it is! It doesn’t require a theology degree, it doesn’t require 20 years experience as a pastor, and it definitely doesn’t require perfection. It just requires showing up.
God, thank you for the community that you have blessed us with and the ways that it helps us grow closer to you.
Community and faith were two words that I never thought had much to do with each other. To me, a community was just a group of people that lived in the same neck of the woods, and faith was your personal relationship with God that was kept private. However, what I have come to realize in the last decade is that through those people that live in my neck of the woods, my faith has taken a completely different trajectory and my relationship with God has increased drastically.
These folks were always there for me whether I wanted them to be or not. They’d help me with house projects, go hunting together, or just chat it up in the driveway for an hour. They were vulnerable enough to share with me what God had been doing in their lives, and they were genuinely interested in what He was doing in mine. In other words, they just simply showed up. They showed up to celebrate with me when times were great, they showed up to grieve with me when times were rough, and everything in between. Week in and week out, they were there.
This is one of the best examples of Christ-like behavior that has been demonstrated to me, and the best part about it is how simple it is! It doesn’t require a theology degree, it doesn’t require 20 years experience as a pastor, and it definitely doesn’t require perfection. It just requires showing up.
God, thank you for the community that you have blessed us with and the ways that it helps us grow closer to you.