
Prayer is such an important part of our relationship with God. We have a communication system open between ourselves and God, and God calls us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I would encourage you to be open to prayer at any time of the day.
 Although a set time of prayer is important in our lives, too often we can put off prayer for our “prayer time”. Sometimes we run into people in town or someone calls us and they relay a story in their life or share an upcoming concern.

It is easy to say “I will pray for you!”, then with all the good intentions in the world, we forget. Next time you have an encounter like this, try asking them if you can pray for them right there. You may get some varied responses, but usually it is, “Yes, I would like that”. In doing this, not only do we lift them up to the Creator of the universe, but they know they are being prayed for which will often lift their spirits. As the recipient of the prayer, we often shed some of that feeling of being alone. For me, I know it is even easier to remember to pray for them in my scheduled prayer time if I have prayed with them in person!

Are you one of those people whom God can awaken in the middle of the night to pray for one of His needs here on Earth? If at night you cannot sleep, don’t count sheep--talk to the shepherd! God knows when I am finished praying and ready to go back to sleep. When God sees a need on earth, he often puts it in our path. We can step around it or over it. Or we can pray through it. Pray without ceasing.

“I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.” 2 Timothy 1:3




