The Simple Call of Jesus by Jason Ling
"After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:27-28
I went camping this last weekend and found it such a relief to unplug for a while and just be outside doing different things than normal. To me it was getting back to a simple life and leaving some of the old problems behind at least for a short time. Of course this came with a new set of problems like; How do I want my burger cooked, what is for breakfast and what lure do I need to catch some fish?
Camping is also a lot of work getting everything set up. However once that was done I knew there would be a time of rest and relaxation. I see that in this verse from Luke. Here is Levi, a very busy man, with what I could only imagine was a very stressful life. Not only did he have the stress of collecting and administering the taxes, but tax collectors in general at this time were not very well liked and known for their greed. Then, in walks Jesus with a very simple command, “Follow me.” The story goes on to say, “Levi got up, left everything and followed Him.
This passage seems to say so much more to me as I think about it. The simple, not easy command. The gospel summed up in just a couple words. It also reminds me to keep my spiritual life simple and not over complicate and try to explain away this abundant grace that Jesus has so freely given each one of us whether we think we deserve it or not. He is ready to make our life much more simple by listening to his call to, “Follow me.”
I can’t imagine life was easy for Levi as he gave up so much comfort in what he was familiar with, as following Jesus can be unpopular or even unfamiliar at times. Again not always easy, but much more simple.
I am so glad I was able to unplug and camp for a while, finding a relaxing meaningful time with my friends and family. I’m even more thankful that I have in a way given up, at least in part, a very complicated life to the life Jesus calls me to when he says, “Follow me.” Are you ready to give up uncertainty to the certainty that Christ gives us through his death and resurrection? What does it mean to you to follow him?
Dear Lord I pray you continue to fuel the simple certainty I have in you as the chaotic world spins around me. May I find peace in your simple call to follow you. Amen
I went camping this last weekend and found it such a relief to unplug for a while and just be outside doing different things than normal. To me it was getting back to a simple life and leaving some of the old problems behind at least for a short time. Of course this came with a new set of problems like; How do I want my burger cooked, what is for breakfast and what lure do I need to catch some fish?
Camping is also a lot of work getting everything set up. However once that was done I knew there would be a time of rest and relaxation. I see that in this verse from Luke. Here is Levi, a very busy man, with what I could only imagine was a very stressful life. Not only did he have the stress of collecting and administering the taxes, but tax collectors in general at this time were not very well liked and known for their greed. Then, in walks Jesus with a very simple command, “Follow me.” The story goes on to say, “Levi got up, left everything and followed Him.
This passage seems to say so much more to me as I think about it. The simple, not easy command. The gospel summed up in just a couple words. It also reminds me to keep my spiritual life simple and not over complicate and try to explain away this abundant grace that Jesus has so freely given each one of us whether we think we deserve it or not. He is ready to make our life much more simple by listening to his call to, “Follow me.”
I can’t imagine life was easy for Levi as he gave up so much comfort in what he was familiar with, as following Jesus can be unpopular or even unfamiliar at times. Again not always easy, but much more simple.
I am so glad I was able to unplug and camp for a while, finding a relaxing meaningful time with my friends and family. I’m even more thankful that I have in a way given up, at least in part, a very complicated life to the life Jesus calls me to when he says, “Follow me.” Are you ready to give up uncertainty to the certainty that Christ gives us through his death and resurrection? What does it mean to you to follow him?
Dear Lord I pray you continue to fuel the simple certainty I have in you as the chaotic world spins around me. May I find peace in your simple call to follow you. Amen