Perfection Is Not A Prerequisite

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

I’ve struggled with feelings of inadequacy my whole life. Am I good enough to be on the football team? Am I smart enough to get a college degree? Do I really have what it takes to be a leader? Am I dependable enough to be a father? These are all valid concerns, but they were always fueled by the premise that I needed to be perfect and have everything figured out before I take on any of it.

Romans 5:8 has resonated with me lately by reminding me that God does not call us to be perfect. God’s love remains constant whether we had a rockstar kind of week where we showed grace, loved well, and extended kindness, or we were on a straight track to rock bottom. He continues to meet us where we are at and accept us for who we are. Perfection is not a prerequisite to God’s grace, rather it is the ultimate goal that we strive for while we experience the highs and lows along the way.
So, am I good enough to make it through a year of work with no mistakes? Not hardly. Am I a solid enough parent where I won’t ever disappoint my children? Nope. Am I going to live a sin free life and be the shining example of what it means to be a child of God? Probably not. But the real question is, does God actually expect that? Never. I take solace in knowing that God is not finished working on me, and that He loves me despite my “inadequacies”.
Lord, we give you our inadequacies and self doubts today. Thank you for always meeting us where we are at and loving us despite our sins. Amen.




