This Is Love by Libby Johnson
“This is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning
sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10
Kyle and I recently spent the weekend in Cedar Falls, Iowa, visiting his brother and sister-in-law, and our 2-week old niece. (In case you were wondering, she’s precious and I’m completely enamored with her.) We spent the weekend helping cook and clean, and soaking up all the sweet baby snuggles we possibly could. On Sunday morning, we worshiped from home together and I was the lucky one who got to hold this brand new, innocent little life in my arms.
As Kyle and I aren’t parents yet, we haven’t experienced the kind of wonder and amazement
that comes with knowing that God knows, loves and sacrificed himself for your child. But on
Sunday morning while we sang,
I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me
I couldn’t stop thinking about how Jesus bled and died for this tiny life, Elsie Shea Johnson,
even though she doesn’t know it yet. Christ loves Elsie Shea Johnson, even though she doesn’t know it yet. Christ rose from the dead for Elsie Shea Johnson, even though she doesn't know it yet.
I think this can be hard for adult hearts to remember; well, it is for me at least. The perennial
struggle of my faith journey has been believing that God loves me not for what I do or who I am, but just because God is love. Christ bled and died for me before I knew it, before I accepted it, and even when I forget it. Christ bled and died for you before you knew it, before you accepted it, and even when you forget it.
Chapter 4 of 1 John reminds us that God’s love is not predicated on our initiation. The only way we are able to love is because God loved us first. We can’t know love without it first being lavished on us. Thank goodness that our eternal status as beloved children of God is not based on our own works, morality or perfection, but is instead based on the perfect love of a perfect Father who gave himself for you and me.
sacrifice for our sins.” 1 John 4:10
Kyle and I recently spent the weekend in Cedar Falls, Iowa, visiting his brother and sister-in-law, and our 2-week old niece. (In case you were wondering, she’s precious and I’m completely enamored with her.) We spent the weekend helping cook and clean, and soaking up all the sweet baby snuggles we possibly could. On Sunday morning, we worshiped from home together and I was the lucky one who got to hold this brand new, innocent little life in my arms.
As Kyle and I aren’t parents yet, we haven’t experienced the kind of wonder and amazement
that comes with knowing that God knows, loves and sacrificed himself for your child. But on
Sunday morning while we sang,
I cast my mind to Calvary
Where Jesus bled and died for me
I couldn’t stop thinking about how Jesus bled and died for this tiny life, Elsie Shea Johnson,
even though she doesn’t know it yet. Christ loves Elsie Shea Johnson, even though she doesn’t know it yet. Christ rose from the dead for Elsie Shea Johnson, even though she doesn't know it yet.
I think this can be hard for adult hearts to remember; well, it is for me at least. The perennial
struggle of my faith journey has been believing that God loves me not for what I do or who I am, but just because God is love. Christ bled and died for me before I knew it, before I accepted it, and even when I forget it. Christ bled and died for you before you knew it, before you accepted it, and even when you forget it.
Chapter 4 of 1 John reminds us that God’s love is not predicated on our initiation. The only way we are able to love is because God loved us first. We can’t know love without it first being lavished on us. Thank goodness that our eternal status as beloved children of God is not based on our own works, morality or perfection, but is instead based on the perfect love of a perfect Father who gave himself for you and me.