Our Daily Bread by Mary Stewart
"Our Father in heaven, Your name be honored as holy.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Matthew 6:9-13 HCSB
This summer Lakeside ladies have been studying The Lord’s Prayer and what is standing out to each of us. We talked of our own experiences with learning it as children. Most of us agreed that it didn't have great meaning since it was memorized. After walking through each line there were many new insights for each of us.
In July we were challenged to say the Lord’s Prayer slowly and prayerfully every day and see what stands out. For me verse 11 stood out saying, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Some versions say, “Give us today our daily bread.” This is not just a request for daily food, but even more so, daily provision and nourishment from the Bread of Life, Jesus.
Jesus said “your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.” So our Father knows our needs before we even ask. In The Lord’s Prayer Daily Grace Co. study book we were encouraged that "We physically need food, and spiritually, we need God.” As we ask it shows a daily dependence on God for everything, for all that we need.
Just as God provided “bread from heaven” called manna to the Israelites in the wilderness he will daily provide for us. He sent just enough to collect and eat for the day. No more, no less, just enough for today. Jesus said “I am the bread of life. …No one who comes to me will ever be hungry.” in In John 6:35. Since God knows our needs he knows that we need Him. The manna in the wilderness was a reminder of God’s provision for his people, us! Without Jesus, the bread of life we will go hungry.
The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer Jesus taught us to follow, not just rote but as a guide for our daily prayers. This is a prayer to re-center our desires to the Lord. The Lord’s Prayer brings God into our world as it says “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” As we pray in dependence on the Lord we bring him into our life and our world.
We can trust that Jesus will meet us at the point of our need. He will give us just enough, no more, no less just as he did to the Israelites. As he provides our daily needs, he will also give us all we need spiritually.
The question is, do we trust him? Will we believe that he is enough to supply our needs physically and spiritually? My encouragement to you is to find new life in The Lord’s Prayer by slowly, prayerfully saying it line by line and making it yours. Jesus will meet you there and satisfy your greatest need.
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."
Matthew 6:9-13 HCSB
This summer Lakeside ladies have been studying The Lord’s Prayer and what is standing out to each of us. We talked of our own experiences with learning it as children. Most of us agreed that it didn't have great meaning since it was memorized. After walking through each line there were many new insights for each of us.
In July we were challenged to say the Lord’s Prayer slowly and prayerfully every day and see what stands out. For me verse 11 stood out saying, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Some versions say, “Give us today our daily bread.” This is not just a request for daily food, but even more so, daily provision and nourishment from the Bread of Life, Jesus.
Jesus said “your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him.” So our Father knows our needs before we even ask. In The Lord’s Prayer Daily Grace Co. study book we were encouraged that "We physically need food, and spiritually, we need God.” As we ask it shows a daily dependence on God for everything, for all that we need.
Just as God provided “bread from heaven” called manna to the Israelites in the wilderness he will daily provide for us. He sent just enough to collect and eat for the day. No more, no less, just enough for today. Jesus said “I am the bread of life. …No one who comes to me will ever be hungry.” in In John 6:35. Since God knows our needs he knows that we need Him. The manna in the wilderness was a reminder of God’s provision for his people, us! Without Jesus, the bread of life we will go hungry.
The Lord’s Prayer is the prayer Jesus taught us to follow, not just rote but as a guide for our daily prayers. This is a prayer to re-center our desires to the Lord. The Lord’s Prayer brings God into our world as it says “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” As we pray in dependence on the Lord we bring him into our life and our world.
We can trust that Jesus will meet us at the point of our need. He will give us just enough, no more, no less just as he did to the Israelites. As he provides our daily needs, he will also give us all we need spiritually.
The question is, do we trust him? Will we believe that he is enough to supply our needs physically and spiritually? My encouragement to you is to find new life in The Lord’s Prayer by slowly, prayerfully saying it line by line and making it yours. Jesus will meet you there and satisfy your greatest need.