Keeping an Open Mind

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

I think many of us have had those conversations that start out with the dreaded, “Now I want you to keep an open mind about this…” Why does this make us cringe? Maybe it stirs up hard changes as a child involving a move or job change by our parents. Maybe it was a change at work or the news of streamlining or downsizing a company. This statement always seems to be followed by a change we may not be entirely ready to make or just not be looking forward to. I’m guessing it just stems from a fear of the unknown, or fear of being uncomfortable in our lives.

Any way you look at it, change may be difficult but necessary to grow in our current circumstance. There are definitely pains that go along with change. Often times I think the idea of change can be harder than the change itself. The truth is, change will always happen, good or bad. God will help.

I love how so much is said in this short passage. The author seems to tell us to keep an open mind about this and change the way we conform to the patterns of this world and become transformed by a changing or renewing of our mind. If this were to stop right here we could be feeling anxiety on how or what this change looks like. How hard is it to change what is so familiar, whether good or bad? Thankfully, it doesn’t stop there. It goes on to tell us once we have an open mind then we can we can begin to test and approve what God’s will is. But only after we have decided to keep an open mind. He goes on to reassure us that not only will we be able to test and approve his will for us, but that it will be good. It will be pleasing, and it will be perfect.
Let’s be honest, following God’s lead in our life is hard and may sometimes feel impossible. To resist some of the temptations that the world seems to throw in front of us, under the disguise of, “everyone is doing it”, is really hard at times. But our simple act of keeping an open mind allows us to begin to discern God’s will in our life and be transformed into something we could only imagine that is good, pleasing and perfect to God. Thanks be to God. It may not always be easy but he will always lead if we choose to let him. What keeps you from keeping an open mind? What fears keep you stuck in familiar?
Lord I pray for an open mind. I pray that you will continue to change me and grow me into the person you created me to be. I pray that you will continue to walk with me in this life long process of change. Amen.




