What Pot Are Your Spiritual Roots In?
What pot are your spiritual roots planted in?
Colossians 2:7 (NLT):
“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
The word picture of being planted is very much the image of our faith journey. We need to be planted in God’s pot. God’s soil!! We were planted in Christ when we were saved. We are rooted in Him. He is the soil. He is the pot we have our roots planted in. His soil is full of the nutrients we need to live our lives full of faith and strength. It is the pot of our identity- we are identified as God’s children! The pot that God plants us in is personalized just for each of us. It is the pot we can send our roots down deep. Psalm 1:3 reminds us that the tree with their roots planted in the right pot, will be able to withstand whatever comes its way! Being planted in Christ is being planted in God's pot, giving us the ability to send our roots down deep and be able to withstand what the world throws at us.
Strong roots stabilize growth. It takes roots - thick, deep, powerful roots - to keep us standing strong. Roots strengthen and support us against the prevailing winds of persuasion. Without strong roots we will lean, bend, bow and sometimes break. But developing a strong set of roots takes time. Without strong roots below ground, everything above will topple.
If we choose to replant ourselves into a different pot, we are choosing to be identified by someone or something else. There are many types of pots that we can be planted in, such as: the world’s view, status, money, pride, our righteousness, athletics or another person’s pot. These pots will not give us the nutrients we need to grow in our faith. When we plant our roots into any pot other than God's, we will not grow in our faith. We will starve. Only God's pot is lifegiving in an everlasting way.
~Reed Leiting, Ministry Board
Colossians 2:7 (NLT):
“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”
The word picture of being planted is very much the image of our faith journey. We need to be planted in God’s pot. God’s soil!! We were planted in Christ when we were saved. We are rooted in Him. He is the soil. He is the pot we have our roots planted in. His soil is full of the nutrients we need to live our lives full of faith and strength. It is the pot of our identity- we are identified as God’s children! The pot that God plants us in is personalized just for each of us. It is the pot we can send our roots down deep. Psalm 1:3 reminds us that the tree with their roots planted in the right pot, will be able to withstand whatever comes its way! Being planted in Christ is being planted in God's pot, giving us the ability to send our roots down deep and be able to withstand what the world throws at us.
Strong roots stabilize growth. It takes roots - thick, deep, powerful roots - to keep us standing strong. Roots strengthen and support us against the prevailing winds of persuasion. Without strong roots we will lean, bend, bow and sometimes break. But developing a strong set of roots takes time. Without strong roots below ground, everything above will topple.
If we choose to replant ourselves into a different pot, we are choosing to be identified by someone or something else. There are many types of pots that we can be planted in, such as: the world’s view, status, money, pride, our righteousness, athletics or another person’s pot. These pots will not give us the nutrients we need to grow in our faith. When we plant our roots into any pot other than God's, we will not grow in our faith. We will starve. Only God's pot is lifegiving in an everlasting way.
~Reed Leiting, Ministry Board