Vertical Thinking by Randy Simonson

Struggles with greed, pride, selfishness, anger, arrogance and being judgemental are daily challenges. Asking ourselves "why" - why is this happening, why now, etc can fill our minds with negative thoughts. Why do I have such negative feelings towards this person, and on and on. We can think of this as horizontal thinking, and it steals our joy if we don't deal with it. Turning this daily horizontal thinking into vertical thinking through meditation, prayer and scripture reading promises us the love, peace and happiness found only in our Lord and Savior.

Instead of asking ourselves "why", we can ask ourselves "what".  "What are you trying to teach me, Jesus?" The Holy Spirit is here to walk us through this.

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekiel 36:26




