A Choice of Praise by Mike Moore
I recently started reading Psalms 113 as a part of a quiet time devotional. It has served as a good reminder to me that the LORD is worthy of our praise no matter what the circumstances are in my life.
Too often lately, I have found myself worried about something or unhappy about what someone has done and started my own little pity party. Verse 3 is a key verse for me:
“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” ESV
We are to praise Him when we get up in the morning and not stop until the sun has set. But nobody is going to force us to do that. We have to make the choice of praising Him. We can choose to only praise Him when things are going well but we will miss out on Him seeing us through the difficult times. David chose to praise the LORD in his success and in his failures. Praise is a decision. Praise is intentional. We need to praise God
through every season of our lives. The LORD is worthy of nothing less than that.
How different would our lives be if we put this into practice consistently in our day-to-day living. Instead of starting our day stressing out over everything we must do or every struggle we expect to encounter, we spend a few moments starting the day concentrating on God’s goodness and provision for us. And as we go through our day we intentionally stop from time to time and thank Him and spent a little time giving Him praise, no matter how our day is going. And as we finish out the day, we end with praising God for all that happened, both the good and the bad.
There are plenty of things in our world today to take our minds off of praising God. Anytime Satan accomplishes that, it’s a win for him. We have to make the choice to live or lives hour by hour praising the LORD.
Too often lately, I have found myself worried about something or unhappy about what someone has done and started my own little pity party. Verse 3 is a key verse for me:
“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the LORD is to be praised.” ESV
We are to praise Him when we get up in the morning and not stop until the sun has set. But nobody is going to force us to do that. We have to make the choice of praising Him. We can choose to only praise Him when things are going well but we will miss out on Him seeing us through the difficult times. David chose to praise the LORD in his success and in his failures. Praise is a decision. Praise is intentional. We need to praise God
through every season of our lives. The LORD is worthy of nothing less than that.
How different would our lives be if we put this into practice consistently in our day-to-day living. Instead of starting our day stressing out over everything we must do or every struggle we expect to encounter, we spend a few moments starting the day concentrating on God’s goodness and provision for us. And as we go through our day we intentionally stop from time to time and thank Him and spent a little time giving Him praise, no matter how our day is going. And as we finish out the day, we end with praising God for all that happened, both the good and the bad.
There are plenty of things in our world today to take our minds off of praising God. Anytime Satan accomplishes that, it’s a win for him. We have to make the choice to live or lives hour by hour praising the LORD.