Praying For and Showing Love to Your Church Family by Mike Loosbrock

Greetings Lakeside family.

A couple of weeks ago, at our Sunday service, we were looking at the One Anothers.

Our scripture was from 1 Peter 4:9 “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling”. I have been spending the last couple of weeks reading through1 Peter. One thing that I came to realize was that as Peter wrote this letter, he was teaching Christians to live in response to the understanding that Christ’s return is near.

With this thought in mind, what is our response as to how we are living our lives? Peter's first command is to keep our minds clear and alert so we can pray. Next, he told us to strive to love each other earnestly. As we come together as the Lakeside family, are we keeping our leadership and church family in our prayers? Are we striving to love one another?
The answers to these questions are in 1 Peter 4:9. As we show hospitality to one another, we will build relationships so we can earnestly pray and love one another.




