Persistence by Jeff Beman
Romans 15:5-6, "May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
We had a contractor add a new window to our laundry room in our home 5 years ago. It was over the washer and dryer which made it a little hard to get at for cleaning, but “do-able”. Flash forward to the present, and now that I retired, I am doing some spring cleaning, and I can not get the windows out so I can clean both sides and wipe out the tracks etc. (I tried several times over some days!) Now, I consider myself handy and mechanical, but I swallowed my pride and asked my wife how they come apart. The answer was that she also couldn’t get them out so she just wiped the insides and called it good. (Not cleaned for 5 years?) So now it’s a challenge. I researched the internet and different brands and nothing seemed to match this particular window. Finally, I found the hidden releases and they came apart easily! After a week! What a sense of accomplishment!
Persistence and perseverance can overcome many stumbling blocks in life. The Word of God encourages us to fight the good fight, stay the course, and run the race so as to win. In many verses it speaks of encouragement and endurance, so that we may finish well in our tasks of faith and worship. God himself encourages us! Perhaps our heavenly Father feels a sense of accomplishment when we succeed in His plans?
Father, we seek to do your will. Help us to take the encouragement and guidance you give us in your Word, and use it to help us as in your ministries. Amen
We had a contractor add a new window to our laundry room in our home 5 years ago. It was over the washer and dryer which made it a little hard to get at for cleaning, but “do-able”. Flash forward to the present, and now that I retired, I am doing some spring cleaning, and I can not get the windows out so I can clean both sides and wipe out the tracks etc. (I tried several times over some days!) Now, I consider myself handy and mechanical, but I swallowed my pride and asked my wife how they come apart. The answer was that she also couldn’t get them out so she just wiped the insides and called it good. (Not cleaned for 5 years?) So now it’s a challenge. I researched the internet and different brands and nothing seemed to match this particular window. Finally, I found the hidden releases and they came apart easily! After a week! What a sense of accomplishment!
Persistence and perseverance can overcome many stumbling blocks in life. The Word of God encourages us to fight the good fight, stay the course, and run the race so as to win. In many verses it speaks of encouragement and endurance, so that we may finish well in our tasks of faith and worship. God himself encourages us! Perhaps our heavenly Father feels a sense of accomplishment when we succeed in His plans?
Father, we seek to do your will. Help us to take the encouragement and guidance you give us in your Word, and use it to help us as in your ministries. Amen